Title: Despite it All, Glitter Medium: Watercolour and Ink on 100% cotton card Size: 8x10
Title: Silent After All These Years Medium: Ink on card Size: 12x9
Title: Twinkle Lights over Young's Produce Medium: Ink on Card Size: 12x9
Title: Wailing Words Medium: Watercolour and ink on card Size: 9x12
Title: The House at the End of the Lane Medium: Watercolour and ink on card Size: 12x9
Title: Artist House Medium: Watercolour and Ink on card 9x12
Title: City Garden Medium: Watercolour, pastel and ink on card Size: 12 x9
Title: I Dream of You Medium: Ink on card Size: 9x12
Title: You've Got a Friend in Me Medium: Watercolour, gouache, graphite, oil pastel and ink on card Size: 9x12 $195 Framed or $150 unframed Currently hanging at The Goods Restaurant on Roncesvalles
Title: Gambrels of Sky Medium: Watercolour and Ink on cotton card Size: 9x12
Title: Holding on to Planet Earth Medium: Watercolour, graphite and ink on cotton card Size: 12x9
Title: Home Medium: Ink and watercolour collage fragments Size: 9x12 Home. Belonging. Really, that's all we ever want.
Title: Homemade Medium: Watercolour and ink on cotton card Size: 9x12
Title: A House with Windows, a House with Echoes and a House of Stories Medium: Watercolour, gouache, ink and vintage map on card Size: 9x12
Title: Inchworm Medium: Watercolour and Ink on card Size: 9x12
Title: Lullaby a Birdland Medium: Watercolour, oil pastel and ink on card Size: 14x11
Title: Pause Medium: Watercolour, chalk pastel and Ink on cotton card Size: 12x9 I've found over the years having a daily ritual has kept my heart calm, my vision into the future bright and drive focused. I have many rituals. It's funny as you age you realize just how important these daily practices are. In ways, they reinforce and celebrate what makes you unique from everyone else.
Title: I am a Pretty Flower Medium: Watercolour and ink on cotton card Size: 9x12
Title: Spirit Hunter Medium: Watercolour and ink on cotton card Size: 9x12
Title: Take my Heart Medium: Watercolour and Ink on cotton card Size: 9x12
Title: Thoughts on my Mind Medium: Watercolour and Ink on Card Size: 9x12
Title: Water Hemisphere Hotel Medium: Watercolour, graphite, vintage map and ink on card Size: 12x9
Title: Windows Medium: India Ink on card Size 12x9 "Come to my window Crawl inside Wait by the light of the moon Come to my window I'll be home soon" – Melissa Etheridge